Sunday, July 20, 2008


Hi! As the president of urbnFIENDS I'd like to welcome all of the new members into the group. I hope that through this experience all of you guys, as well as myself, will gain alot.

The only way for us to make this work is through the participation of you guys so I urge you to PLEASE keep in contact with myself as well as the vice president. Also, make sure to exchange contact information with the other members as well if you haven't already. We have alot coming up within the next couple of months so be prepared for hard work! Dedication, participation, and communication is the key to success.

If you wish to contact me with any questions feel free to by emailing the group account at or through instant messaging at or Also, please make sure to join the messageboard if you haven't done so as information about what goes on will be posted there as well as sent to you guys so that anybody who doesn't receive information about whatever it is that we are doing at the time can check it out there as well.


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